Bheeh Allu (Kamal Kakri and Allu)


  • Bheeh - 150grms
  • Allu(potato) - 1 medium size
  • Onion - 1 big size (around 150 grms)
  • Tomato - 2 medium size (around 150 grms)
  • Green chili - 2(finally chopped)
  • Ginger finally chopped - 1tsp.
  • Salt to the taste
  • Red Chili Powder - 1/2 tsp.
  • Haldi(turmaric) -1/2 tsp.
  • Dhania(coriander) Powder - 1 tsp.
  • Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
  • Green Dhania(Coriander Leaves) finally chopped for garnishing - 2tbsps.
  • Cooking oil - 4tbsps.
  1. Peel out the skin of bheeh and cut into one inch pieces (in slanting shape).
  2. Peel out the skin of allu and cut into eight pieces of the same size.
  3. Clean pieces of bheeh in running water properly through holes and check that there is no mud in the holes.
  4. In case if mud is not cleared through running water drop the pieces of bheeh in boiling water and let it boil for a few minutes close the gas and let it stand on gas stove for few minutes. Remove the muddy water and wash bheeh with fresh water and keep aside.
  5. Heat the oil in cooker add onion; stir till it is brown; add bheeh, haldi, salt, tomato, green chilly, ginger and a cup of water. close the lid of the cooker. When steam is formed sim the gas and cook for 5 minutes or till bheeh softens. Remove the cooker from the gas and keep aside.
  6. When steam is released from the cooker open its lid and place on the gas; add allu, red chili powder, dhania powder and stir till water dries, onion and tomato turns into smooth and thick gravy as well as it releases the oil.
  7. Add the water to the consistency of gravy required, close the lid of the cooker and cook for five minutes or till allu becomes soft. Remove from the gas and keep aside.
  8. When steam of the cooker is released open the lid and add garam masala and stir to mix it properly. Garnish with green dhania and serve hot with chapatti or rice.
  • Select bheeh which are closed from the both sides. If the Bheeh closed from both sides there will be no mud in the holes of the bheeh.
  • If the garam masala is added after completion of cooking or right before serving it will retain its flavor.
