Sabudana Kheer

Sabudana Kheer 
  • Sabudana - 50 grams
  • Millk - 1ltr.
  • Sugar - 100 grms.
  • Almonds - 25 grms
  • Raisons - 15 grms(Optional)
  • Green Illaichi (crushed) 1/2 tsp.
Soak sabudana for 20 to 30 minutes in the water. Put the Milk in broad vessel like Karahi or Sipri (Patila with round bottom) and keep it on the gas, when starts boiling add illaichi and sabudana. Cook it on sim gas for half an hour or till the milk thickens. Add sugar stir till sugar melts. Add almonds and raisons and mix them properly. Keep on sim gas for two minutes serve hot.
